Solid Fuel & Thermal

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Pressure from evolving market conditions requires that solid-fuel power plants are being required to operate in dynamic ways like never before. Variable inputs like low-sulfur coal, and variable output load conditions, like inconsistent demand is leading these plants operating at the threshold, or in some cases beyond there original design, leading to premature wear and in some cases destruction of assets and equipment.

The solid fuel and thermal power industries all depend on reliable operation. The need to protect against corrosion, erosion and damage is therefore extremely important.

Our high performance linings, repair and maintenance coatings, flooring systems and composites serve this purpose. Keep your equipment running strong for longer with Duromar's protective products.

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Providing proven, cost-effective solutions to prolong your critical assets throughout the facility is essential. Duromar's products protect against corrosion and erosion in the following areas:

  • Fuel handling
  • Cooling water and steam piping
  • Heat exchangers, condensers
  • Demineralizer and water treatment areas
  • Flue Gas Desulphurization (FGD)
  • Pollution Control and Air Quality Control System (AQCS) equipment
    • Ducts
    • ID Fans
    • Stacks
    • Baghouses
    • Atomizers
    • Lime milk storage tanks
    • Scrubbers
    • Slurry tanks
    • Slurry pipes
    • Headers
    • Electrostatic precipitators (ESPs)

Duromar’s founding traces back to power generation. It is our largest market, and we have products that are specifically designed for these applications.

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Refuse-Derived-Fuels (RDF) and Waste-to-Energy (WTE) plants tackle operational challenges as well as air quality permitting compliance. Additionally, SO2 and SO3 are common byproducts and plants face high levels of chlorine-based exposure conditions.  Mitigation of HCl therefore is critical.

Duromar offers a wide range of high temperature corrosion protection products specifically designed for the waste-to-energy market. Our linings have outstanding resistance to hydrogen chloride gas. 

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Natural Gas

Duromar provides superior solutions to the natural gas industry, including: 

  • Solutions for sweating natural gas lines
  • Cooling Water line coatings
  • Demin tanks
  • Intake filter housing
  • Condenser and waterbox coatings
  • Cooling Towers

Duromar’s product lines are engineered to repair, protect, and maintain equipment for natural gas plants.

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Although considered a renewable energy source, Biomass technology and equipment used to create power is very similar to other traditional combustion-based power plants.

As a result, many of the same challenges and needs for asset protection exist.

From corrosion resistant tank linings to Syngas waste stream protection including tars, ammonia, HCl, sulfur compounds, and other particulate matter, Duromar has the products to solve these challenges:

  • Corrosion and erosion conveyors and skirts
  • Anti-stick coatings for Bark Bins
  • Anti-wear solid fuel handling coatings
  • Corrosion resistant cooling water piping liners
  • Acid resistant liners
  • Syngas resistance
  • Biomass Scrubber Coatings 


The superheated steam caused by the geothermal power process can cause corrosion, which quickly becomes costly.

Duromar's corrosion-resistant linings and coatings are expertly engineered to protect geothermal equipment against corrosion over time. 

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Nuclear Industry

The nuclear industry requires high-powered linings that are engineered for containment and safety. Duromar works directly with nuclear facilities to provide the ideal solutions. Our products meet government requirements while providing superior protection.