Leak Sealing


Leaks can mean costly, emergency shutdowns. Duromar’s unique leak sealing product line offers both a high-strength repair, and an immediate leak stop solution for any industrial facility with active and inactive leaks.

We utilize multi-component systems consisting of moldable repair putties, high-strength reinforcing fabrics, and high-strength or water-activated resins.

Our systems provide the ability to repair an active leak, on-line, reducing the need for a full system dewater, shutdown, or bypass.

Our leak sealing product line is very customizable to a variety of substrates, shapes, lengths, contours, and compatibility with process fluids.

Whether waters or hydrocarbons, acids or alkalis, our systems are designed to remain in place while protecting your assets and keeping you operating.

Duromar is happy to consult your team on your upcoming projects. Please contact our team of experts!

Related Products

  • Extremely fast curing putty
  • Packaged in single tube for easy mixing
  • Used to make quick repairs on steel, aluminum, fiber glass or concrete